Body Connection

Belly Casting


A private, in-home belly casting session at 7+ months that results in a beautiful keepsake.

*Decoration not included but information is provided

Movement & Dance


During these 90-minute, in-home, private postpartum sessions we’ll use the Liquid Motion methodology. LM is a method and style of dance and movement education that was designed to help people explore their body's movement and sensuality. We will focus on initiating from the pelvis and sacral space, which is associated with sensual/sexual pleasure, creativity, and emotions. These sessions will use the floorspace and/or wall and include warm ups and cool-downs!

Postpartum Belly Binding


  • TLDR: This is something I’ve intentionally added to my doula practice. I want to support you in taking care of your entire self, and your body/body image and sensuality is included.

    In modern times people have become more disconnected from their bodies. During a body-based transition (pregnancy, birth, miscarriage, abortion, etc.) this disconnection can become even more present. The focus on your senses, what your body/mind/heart needs, and movement during a transition can support the relationship someone has with themselves and others as well as impact their experience and outcomes.

    After a body-based transition people might say they feel disconnected, like they’ve lost themselves, they’re having trouble feeling grounded, or that they want to have some time to give themselves some attention. Acknowledging and honoring that sensuality is still a part of your life and the relationship with your body also needs attention and should be cultivated and cared for, I offer movement based classes using the Liquid Motion methodology. Liquid Motion is a method of dance and movement education.

    These sessions are to support the reconnection with your body and how it moves, to help you tap into and explore your sensuality, and it can be a confidence booster.

    If you’re interested, let’s talk!